Industrial Machinery Industry

Enable your team to solve problems faster—from call centers to dealer networks.

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Powering and Trusted by Leading Industrial Machinery Service Organizations

Staying ahead requires innovative solutions in today’s complex service landscape.

Industrial machinery organizations have much to contend with, including scattered data, a rapidly retiring workforce, evolving customer demands, and soaring costs.

Designed to address the complexities of your industrial machinery organization.

Empower your team with upskilling and predictive maintenance tools like Aquant AI that derive value from your data, boost uptime, and improve customer experience across the board.

Improve First-Time Fix Rates

Reduce Resolution Costs

Reduce Time to Competency

Build Trusted Data Sources

When your entire team performs like the top 20% of the workforce, you can attain:


Reduction in Service Costs


Faster Resolution Time


Less Visits Per Asset Per Year

Equip your team with the knowledge of your top performers.

Aquant AI provides real-time assistance, accelerates Time to Competency, and improves First Time Fix Rate. From call centers to dealer networks, our AI tools enable teams to solve problems faster and democratize the knowledge of your top experts.

With our innovative approach combining Service Language Processing and expert knowledge, we ensure the quality of recommended solutions and overcome data quality issues that organizations might face in historical data.

Get uninterrupted service and optimize resource allocation.

Improve capacity and efficiency for every step of the process, from identifying the problem and resolving the issue to improving customer experience.  

Uncover blind spots with granular insights on assets and team performance. Understand the root cause of the problem and find the required solutions faster.

Turn insights into actionable opportunities.

Get a centralized view of the service experience end-to-end. Evaluate dealer performance, prevent blind spots, and better equip teams. 

Measure what matters and align your AI initiatives with service KPIs. Compare with industry benchmarks to evaluate your current results and set your strategy. With years of experience, Aquant brings best practices for implementing and scaling AI for top industry leaders.


Aquant Earns Most Promising Vendor Ranking in CB Insights’ Analysis of Agent Support Tools


Aquant Wins “2023 Technology Innovation Leadership Award” From Analyst Firm Frost & Sullivan


A Collaboration with AI in Business Podcast: AI Solutions for B2B Customer Experiences